# Woman from the Crowd

Female style of crowdfunding

You may become a part of a project where I support women in making successful crowdfunding campaigns! 


Raised so far


which is

of 13 000 polish zloty
backers pledged this project

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Till 30.04 23:59 together we can fund this project!

This is thanks to you that a book “A woman from the Crowd” will be published. I wrote a guide about making your dreams come true and financing them with your community.

Pledge any amount you want or choose your reward (on the right), add to the cart, pay and voila! You are a part of this project ❤️

If till 30.04 the progress bar shows minimum 13000 polish zloty, I will publish a book. If there is less than 13000 polish zloty, I will give you back all your invested money. If I raise more than 13000 polish zloty, I will invest it in crowdfunding campaigns made by women, who will decide to make their campaigns with me.

From every book you buy I donate 2 pln to social entrepreneurs — the more books you buy, the more we help!

More details about the projects you’ll find below. Check out updates as well, where I post regularly on the progress! Tab “Let’s talk” is a space for your comments. Feel invited to be a part of my project! 

When I ask you “why don’t you achieve your goals and dreams?” what would you answer? 

When asking this question I get the following replies:

The latter is one of the biggest obstacles for us. When it exists, we don’t publish our books, we don’t open our cafes, we don’t travel around the world*, etc. (* insert any other of your dreams here). 

Hi! My name is Aga Ploska.

I will not give you a magic cure, but I know a perfect method to finance your dreams. Crowdfunding is a solution here. It is a tool that allows symbolic payments in exchange for rewards!

Who will pay? Your community! The bigger the crowd, the more payments done, and you can raise any amount you dream about!

Important: it is not begging. You don’t reach out for money. You invite people to be a part of your project and to contribute — this way of thinking changes the perspective!

I use crowdfunding here, on this website. I prepared rewards you can choose and buy (hard copy of the book, e‑book, consultation sessions, workshops, etc.) The future of the project #Womanfromthecrowd depends on you.

If I raise minimum 13000 pln I will print the book and I will support women in making their crowdfunding campaigns successful. If I don’t raise enough, I will give you back all your invested money. The book will not be published.

The story

I am up to date with polish and foreign crowdfunding campaigns. And one thing caught my attention: there are many women where there is charity case present, no earnings involved and amounts raised are rather small. There are hardly any women in business crowdfunding. I reviewed the largest Polish reward-based crowdfunding platforms and found that out of 140 projects that raised over 50,000 polish zloty, only 13 projects were fully managed by women. 13 projects. It is only 9%!

Of course, women are part of teams (acting as graphic designers, accountants, sometimes marketing or communication specialists), but we are almost not there on the top.

I want to change this situation. I want to make the proportion equal. I want us women to be present there where the money is!

About the book

The book is ready! My amazing editor Kinga Rak is currently working on it. 

This is what she thinks about my book (in Polish only): 

This book is about:

  • my experience earned after managing over 100 crowdfunding projects (big and smal);
  • tips, challenges and memories of wonderful women who have implemented their campaigns;
  • the path I have followed to be where I am today (no worries, this is not a biographical novel);
  • steps to follow to complete your crowdfunding campaign,
  • an attempt to answer the question about the qualities a woman needs to find in herself to be successful in crowdfunding;
  • my way to reach out to as many women as possible!

Why crowdfunding?

This project is for you. I share my knowledge and experience. My mission is to support women in the implementation of effective crowdfunding campaigns. Speaking about crowdfunding, I can’t imagine financing my book in a different way. I believe in my community and I believe in the power of the crowd!

I make a step further: I’m doing a self-crowdfunding here!
I feel that this is the best choice: I act on my own terms, I give you everything I want and what I can. I am independent, and I independently publish a book — perfect! 🙂

What is the purpose of the project?

Strech goals

Strech goal number 1: 13000 publishing a book (hard copy) 

I will finance editorial and proofreading, composition, printing, there will be Polish and English versions as well! An e‑book will be created.

Strech goal number 2: 19000 women support 

As part of the “Woman from the Crowd” project, I will choose 3 women and help them make their dreams come true using crowdfunding

Strech goal number 3: 25000 I’ll print the workbook as well 

Strech goal number 4: 31000 I’ll support more women 

and so on! 

The more you buy, the more we help!

Every book equals 2 polish zloty to support social entrepreneurs 

this is my way to appreciate their work and an attempt to support them during this difficult time. The more books / e‑books you buy, the more we help! 

300 books and e‑books bought 

gives work-e-book for everyone who bought book / e‑book

Check out the rewards I have for you! 

Crowdfunding gives you a chance to choose a reward — choose what you like 

They believe in “Woman from the crowd” project

startooy logo
up foundation

Join me!

Anna-Maria Wisniewska
„I published my book using crowdfunding.”
Angielski And I don’t know how I would manage if it wasn’t for Agnieszka’s advice, which was very helpful, substantive, interesting and saving a lot of time! Thanks Aga for being with me!
trainer, adviser, author of the book “Your image in social media”
Dorota Sumiła
„Crowdfunding enabled me to realize my dream, create a book with games for children.”
But this would not be possible without Agnieszka, who helped me to understand this world. She is full of professionalism and empathy. She is involved in her work and other people’s dreams. 🥰 She motivates and supports every single day. 😎💪
Dorota Sumiła
Book written with dreams

Trust me

I have been teaching how to make crowdfunding campaigns for over 6 years. My adventure with alternative financing began in 2009. I was analyzing European mergers and acquisitions and high-risk investments (so-called venture capital or private equity) and wanted to be part of such a world. I wasn’t sure if that what I was reading was exactly what I wanted. Around 2012, I discovered crowdfunding, which in 2014 became my way of life. It was crowdfunding that I was looking for. Thanks to this tool, it became possible to support dreamers, while not having millions on their bank account. This is many people paying small amounts what matters. A real wisdom of the crowd.

Since 2014, I have advised nearly 150 projects, raising over 100,000 polish zloty a year. I have successes, but also failures, from which I learned valuable lessons.

Out of my experience I designed 4 steps to a successful crowdfunding campaign. .

In the book, I describe all these steps, adding examples and my own experience.

Let’s do this together!

Support me in a different way

Of course, every pledge counts and brings us closer to a common goal!

But it is NOT all about the money. Here are some ways you can help me:

Any questions?


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